Monday, May 28, 2012

20th Anniversary ♥

Before I start my litany or say my emotional speech, allow me first to tell you a story,
 even if your not interested to listen. Haha 

 Okay? So it goes like this, I went school today to enroll for the next school semester and talking about enrollment Would tantamount for being busy and of course what else to expect  but a crowded folks coming and infinite line [formation],  - tiring ...

I arrived school at 10am together with my friend and co-blogger deoeloiThe Urban Fancier which too has to be enroll.

The enrolment procedure was change (They’ve been trying to organized things) and in fairness to them they succeed but still have lots of things subject to be improved, - still their were unattended complaints  taken for granted. Because of the uncounted students eager to be enroll priority numbers are distributed accordingly, 
( i got mine at #3657-too far, but have no choice but to suffer)

So okay? @ 2:30pm finally i was called, the print-out copy of my schedules was at hand!!! After spending hours of agonizing, finally I was officially enrolled.

 To be honest I was’nt satisfied about  my schedule for this semester, the subjects that i suppose to get was not accomplished. Though i have to accept the fate. Haha . so that is my boring/nonsense story for today. I hope your liking it. (verb)

pardon the vagueness of the photo, it was hidden for many years inside the cabin. haha

This 28th of May my parents celebrated their 20th Anniversary in marriage. It was at this date when they first renewed their vows and promise to love each other through thick and thin, in bad times and in good times, for richer and for poorer in sickness and in health until death to them apart. And as a child i was very proud and happy for both of them, i know that being in the marriage for 20 years was a bitter-sweet relationship. Over the past 20 years they have been through rough and smooth relationship together and I witnessed all of those.

 I witnessed how my parents strive and fought for their relationship and stayed together no matter how painful and challenging life sometimes, still they manage to keep the love and most especially the respect for one another. I know that my parents is not a perfect parents anyone could ask for but i will never gamble or exchange someone over them. Over the years we’ve shared together, we too have gone through rocky years, we too have our misunderstanding and short comings in life as what any normal family could have gone through, but ours was the most unique one and I could say that because of these we become stronger and closer 
to each other.

 I have to thank God for giving me a one of a kind parents, 
and to my mama and papa CONGRATULATIONS for the 20 years of roller-coaster ride relationship together may the 20 more years be yours - ours to shared.

I love you <3


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